Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Culture Shock?

So, she not only doesn't speak English which makes the communication almost impossible (although I can tell when she's laughing at me) but yesterday she never saw a microwave which was relatively easy to show her. But now she wants a bucket and soap to wash clothes and put them outside. I showed her the washing machine but Mummy says that while they have washing machines they're not common and she doesn't trust the washing machine... What's the washing machine going to do? Eat her clothes? That's only dryers with socks.... So, I don't have a bucket so going to buy one. But, apparently she only uses powdered soap so now I have to go buy a big bucket and powdered soap even though my HE washing machine won't take powdered soap.... Nothing beats the look on her face when she saw the automatic kitty litter. Understood that indoor house cats go in the litter here but when we were standing there and it began scooping out the solids and putting them in the bin she thought it was something straight out of the Jetsons......... Quite funny but I don't think my previous life (as in last week) had much room or patience left over to take on more.... Or, perhaps that's just the hangover talking......

Monday, May 4, 2009

Seriously Now?

Not that I have all of the time in the world to 'blog' (who does) but this is sort of like an online journal of my days and nights as a Medha - holding all of the roles (most willingly, some not so much so) that I've been bestowed.
I will *not* screen what I write here. I don't care. there, I said it
I will *not* spell or grammar check anything on this blog. you don't like it, don't read it

I am a true, honest to god person - a woman - who grew from a pigtailed child to a frizzy-haired teenager. I asked my girlfriend to show me how to french kiss the summer after 8th grade since I'd never kissed a boy and heard that everyone kissed in high school (relax men... she taught me using our fists.....) Watching my Mom be exploited and then myself, it was only natural for me to take that path myself. But, now, with my amazing husband and hard-earned stable and cozy life - I have a sense of confidence, stability, purpose and comfort that I could've only pretended to have when I was younger.

Oh, and how do I make that wedding picture align up here on the right side instead of the left???
Keepin it real.... M